Commercial Restaurant, České Budějovice

Rent, Restaurant, 136m2

Type: rent restaurant České Budějovice

Condition of the restaurant: very good

28 000,- Kč

Rent, Restaurant, 163m2

Type: rent restaurant České Budějovice

Condition of the restaurant: very good

28 000,- Kč

Sale, Restaurant, 103m2

Type: sale restaurant České Budějovice

Condition of the restaurant: good

Discount 4%
4 800 000,- Kč
4 600 000,- Kč

Sale, Restaurant, 48m2

Type: sale restaurant České Budějovice

Condition of the restaurant: good

Discount 8%
2 400 000,- Kč
2 200 000,- Kč

Sale, Restaurant, 350m2

Type: sale restaurant České Budějovice, Dívčice

Condition of the restaurant: good

2 850 000,- Kč
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