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Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Skryje

Condition of the house: good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Senomaty

Condition of the house: before reconstruction

2 890 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Nové Strašecí

Condition of the house: very good

Discount 1%
6 690 000,- Kč
6 590 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Řevničov

Condition of the house: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Houses, Family, 90m2

Type: sale houses Roztoky

Condition of the house: good

6 399 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 207m2

Type: sale houses Přerubenice

Condition of the house: good

Discount 5%
5 990 000,- Kč
5 680 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 175m2

Type: sale houses Mšecké Žehrovice

Condition of the house: very good

3 990 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Nové Strašecí

Condition of the house: very good

22 900 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Nové Strašecí

Condition of the house: very good

Discount 8%
8 670 000,- Kč
7 999 999,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Čistá

Condition of the house: good

7 790 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Řevničov

Condition of the house: before reconstruction

4 250 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Šanov

Condition of the house: new building

8 295 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Jesenice

Condition of the house: after reconstrunction

Discount 14%
3 500 000,- Kč
3 000 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 160m2

Type: sale houses Rakovník

Condition of the house: good

6 490 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Olešná

Condition of the house: under construction

6 303 000,- Kč
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