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Sale, Stores, 1046m2

Type: sale stores Český Rudolec

Condition of the store: very good

7 200 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 180m2

Type: sale stores Plzeň

Condition of the store: very good

Discount 9%
4 950 000,- Kč
4 490 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 526m2

Type: sale stores Praha 4

Condition of the store: after reconstrunction

Discount 6%
26 757 120,- Kč
25 247 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 70m2

Type: sale stores Děčín

Condition of the store: good

Discount 12%
2 400 000,- Kč
2 100 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 3000m2

Type: sale stores Žlutice

Condition of the store: good

5 000 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 2000m2

Type: sale stores Černuc

Condition of the store: very good

Discount 22%
20 380 000,- Kč
15 990 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 1089m2

Type: sale stores Žďár

Condition of the store: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Stores, 79m2

Type: sale stores Dešná

Condition of the store: before reconstruction

425 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 600m2

Type: sale stores Holetín

Condition of the store: before reconstruction

Discount 11%
1 850 000,- Kč
1 650 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 180m2

Type: sale stores Nejdek

Condition of the store: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Stores, 135m2

Type: sale stores Kelč

Condition of the store: good

750 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 500m2

Type: sale stores Bílovec

Condition of the store: before reconstruction

5 999 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 450m2

Type: sale stores Kladno

Condition of the store: good

13 995 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 23997m2

Type: sale stores Valšov

Condition of the store: very good

Discount 1%
15 600 000,- Kč
15 500 000,- Kč

Sale, Stores, 300m2

Type: sale stores Horka u Staré Paky

Condition of the store: before reconstruction

3 700 000,- Kč
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