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Prodej chaty, 68 m², Bratronice

Type: sale cottages Bratronice

Condition of the cottage: very good

3 990 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty v Hroznětíně

Type: sale cottages Hroznětín

Condition of the cottage: good

1 729 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty u Černých Voděrad

Type: sale cottages Černé Voděrady Černé Voděrady

Condition of the cottage: good

2 325 000,- Kč

Stavební pozemek 2 475 m² s chatou, Kryštofovo Údolí

Type: sale cottages Kryštofovo Údolí

Condition of the cottage: bad

6 990 000,- Kč

Prodej, chata 5+1, 130 m2, Albrechtice v Jizerských horách

Type: sale cottages Albrechtice v Jizerských horách

Condition of the cottage: good

6 300 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 45 m², pozemek 591 m2,Cheb - Dolní Pelhřimov

Type: sale cottages Cheb

Condition of the cottage: very good

1 999 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty 52 m², Čerňovice, okr. Plzeň sever

Type: sale cottages Čerňovice

Condition of the cottage: under construction

Information about price at Realtor

Prodej chaty 2+1, 16 m2, Zlaté Hory

Type: sale cottages Zlaté Hory

Condition of the cottage: good

640 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 104 m², Hvožďany - Planiny

Type: sale cottages Hvožďany

Condition of the cottage: good

3 500 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 54 m², Unhošť

Type: sale cottages Unhošť

Condition of the cottage: very good

2 790 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, OV, 60 m², Bečov

Type: sale cottages Bečov

Condition of the cottage: good

2 520 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 45 m², Šakvice

Type: sale cottages Šakvice

Condition of the cottage: new building

2 000 050,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 70 m², Hýskov, pozemek 397 m2

Type: sale cottages Hýskov

Condition of the cottage: good

3 500 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty se zahradou, 71 m², Uherský Brod

Type: sale cottages Uherský Brod

Condition of the cottage: good

1 775 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 45 m², Čerňovice

Type: sale cottages Čerňovice

Condition of the cottage: very good

3 193 600,- Kč
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